First of all, it would seem that our beloved, moeblob Febri-chan isn't exactly human... and while this remains to be discerned, a certain fact would be that she hold the secrets that supply the foundation for the entire arc. While this won't burgeon my opinions on Febri at all, Railgun S is beginning to veer towards yet another action-packed season, and I really hope JC Staff won't fall short of my expectations.
Honestly, Gekota is a marketable concept that hasn't been taken advantage of, and I'm sure it would more than stomp Naruto's Gama-chan merchandise. Moving that asides, Railgun returns to it's classic slice of life formula, revolving around Misaka and her group of friends, in spite of all the calamities so far. While I greatly approved of Kongou's inclusion, I couldn't help but feel disappointed. Is this all we're getting considering how important she was in the next actual arc? Well, at least she's getting some character development, could've been worse.
Pointless fanservice, though pointless, is still pretty harmless. The bath scene was just right, and removing Kuroko was a pretty good call, not to mention her removal allowed for some flow of comedy. Though I do enjoy fanservice, I must opine that show's that are congenial like Railgun S would do so much better by focusing on aspects other than the largely flat chests in the storyline. Other than Saten, Konori seemed quite abundant in one certain aspect... (and wow she looked so different with her glasses off).
Again, it’s nothing too big, but just something I felt worth noting at least. Either way, the arc seems to be in full progression, as our mad scientist group have something planned for the future. At this point, it’s still somewhat up in the air just exactly what’s going on there, and can someone please explain to me why Shinobu is there? At the very least, the thing that seemingly looks like Febri’s hair seems to hint at Febri being some kind of vital control component (or the basis of) their system in some way. The throwaway comment made by the lead scientist, about the dog coming back to bite the masters hand, particularly roused my suspicions.
Railgun S only has 4 episodes left. Wait, WHAT??!!! 4 EPISODES??? Could've been worse, and I have to admit, there was no squeezing in the Daihasei Festival Arc, though the Endymion premier could've been helped. Getting a filler arc was comparably better than an ill-conceived attempt at animating what was left of the source material, not to mention the Daihasei Arc hasn't even concluded, meaning a filler ending still would've happened.
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