
Sunday, 15 September 2013

Kiniro Mosaic - 8

I'll be quite honest, in all the School Festival related episodes I've watched, not ONE gives a proper explanation in how they're run, or prepared for. Not only is the matter thoroughly broken down, but it's extracted, analysed, and explored from every angle. Our girls went to visit the exhibition put on by other classes, giving us yet more of a taste as of what to expect from a school cultural festival. Normally, it's as if Aladdin's genie made it all happen in an instant, so this episode really came as a natural relief.

First of all, there was actually some dispute as to what they would be putting on. In all anime up till now, the protagonist's class always does a Maid Cafe, no questions asked. While they inevitably put on a Maid Cafe, the shows multicultural nature wouldn't allow the opportunity to escape without being a proud mix of the respective core cultures. In fact, Aya, Yoko and some of their other classmates even went shopping for the festival. Not once in all of anime have I ever seen this occur. 

As I'll reiterate, everything usually appears as if a genie made it all happen in an instant. Certainly, the actual items of food on the menu were questionable, and I wouldn't eat them, but that didn't ruin the fun spirit which makes the show. I would've bought it simply for it's originality, and how pleasant it was to view. For example, they went all out creative, and played the old culture fusion trick over and over again. That's what makes this show unique, and so appealing. No other show does it better than this.

Fine, I actually really wanted to see Yoko tamely walking around in a maid outfit, but like the 'beach' episode, we were thwarted again, with a pleasant twist waiting to surprise us. I couldn't imagine Yoko amusing me more than a timid Aya in a maid costume, since she'd find a way to brazenly, and shamelessly serve the customers, which in my opinion gets quashed by Aya's moe levels. Anyway, pretty disappointed at how anticlimactic Karen's play turned out... that was my sole complaint here.

Then there was the issue of Shino forgetting about the anniversary... geez it takes patience to be her friend, but that's rewarding in itself. You always have to have that impossibly positive idiot friend who's there to be laughed at, but who's there for you when you really need them. Just watching Kiniro Mosaic makes my life feel complete, so I'll end it here.

Post Episode Sequence

Alice finds a new magical word in Japanese, which supposedly makes her feel happy whenever she says it. Turns out it's just a Gratuitous English crossover of 'Don't mind'...

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