Oh boy, I get the feeling I'm going to enjoy the series less and less from this episode on. We finally have the last main character introduction, Rei Ryuugazaki aka tsundere-glasses-smartypants. There's a fair amount to talk about with this episode, and some issues that are popping up that I hoped I wouldn't have to talk about, but it's becoming an increasing problem. So, lets get right to it.

My first issue with this, is its becoming increasingly apparent that KyoAni only had the characters as guys so they wouldn't be accused of making a fanservice anime. The characters are becoming increasingly predictable, simply because they don't seem to deviate much from the character archetypes we were shown in the first episode, or popular character archetypes used by KyoAni. That said, the plot is at least advancing, and while I don't think it's the best sports anime out there, it's certainly not dropped to being bad. The issue comes with what's going to happen in the next few episodes. It feels way to early for the plot to start hitting its climax, and knowing KyoAni, what we will most likely get are some boring filler episodes that hardly accomplish much beyond "Glasses man learned how to swim."
And along comes my second issue. The homo-love. Now, I was expecting some manservice going into this, but I was hoping we would get scenes like the one pictured above, or like this
"He's so beautiful!" |
With Nagisa's adoration of Rei, and Rei's adoration of Haruka, I hope to god we don't end up with some sort of crappy love triangle. Come on KyoAni, don't turn a semi-decent sports anime into a gay love triangle. Remember how many people dropped Shin Sekai Yori for one episode of people being gay? We don't want that again do we? Since the story itself isnt that bad so far, I hope that the worst they have is Kou's occasional adoration of the guys' muscles, because damn
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