Jonny here, reviewing the first episode of the new series Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist (I will shorten it to D&R during the review).
Gothic Styled? Devils? Butlers? This is beginning to sound more like Kuroshitsuji by the minute, not to mention this anime doesn't seem to have a single female character as of now. Well, I look forwards to seeing how that'll pan out. Anyway, time to get started on the review.
This anime is set in England, I imagine in the 18th or 19th century. The episode opens up with some woman... Man? Whatever - this man called Solomon, dressed in a white robe, addressing a man called Dantalion, who is meant to be a demon, from what they say. They exchange some dialogue, and then they hug and talk about some contract... I don't understand whats happening, but I should find out later, right? This follows up with a cheesy as balls intro. Its standard, and what you'd expect from an anime intro. Before I move on, I'd just like to talk about the art style. I'm not really a fan of elves or fairies, whether its in anime, games, or movies, but the main reason for this is pointy ears. I don't know why, but I can't stand them. If you don't like characters that have that look, maybe D&R isn't for you.
Nothing going on here... |
After the intro, we join our resident rich twat, William Twining. He gets the best marks, he's got lots of money, and he's arrogant. He proceeds to boast to his friend, Isaac. Its then he has an encounter with the headmaster (a flashback, I imagine), where he tells him that his tuition fees haven't been payed, even though he's rich. He goes home and meets his butler, who explains that William's uncle made some "bad investments" (cough) and the family has become bankrupt. This means that all the rooms have been cleaned out by the debt collectors, and all the servants have been excused, apart from Cecil, William's butler.
We meet our resident rich twat and his butler. |
After William moans a bit, they decide to look for secret doors and vaults with money, even though Cecil denies that he has seen any. They then find a door below the house. It is locked, so William rams against the door, opening it. He then begins to bleed, which hits... A devil symbol on the floor. A man appears, who claims he is Dantalion, "Grand Duke of the 36 Armies of Hell". They then exchange some dialogue about how William's ancestor is King Solomon, who sealed all the demons away. William criticizes the bible, as he is a firm atheist who believes in science. Naturally, he doesn't believe Dantalion, following this tying him up and arresting him.
So much for being "Grand Duke of the 36 armies of hell"... |
William goes to the basement to examine the room, but is then sucked into the devil symbol on the floor. He wakes up in a mysterious room, and is greeted by a man with the face of a goat. Again, William does not believe what he sees, and the goat-man explains how he is Dantalion's butler, before giving William a meal. After exchanging some dialogue, a man with long purple hair and purple clothing (with a dress I might add) makes the room explode and requests to meet Dantalion. Before long, Dantalion appears and rescues William.
You look tasty. |
After this, Dantalion and the purple haired dude engage in a fight. I must say, the animation quality if nothing to scoff at. The flying shots of lightning and fire are pretty entertaining to watch, even if the fighters look like bloody jokers. After Dantalion is about to kill the purple haired guy, William tells him to stop - and Dantalion stops - not in his will - more like his powers were taken away from him. Purple McHair disappears, and it then cuts back to William in school the next day.
Hadouken! - Oh, wait |
The headmaster tells William that his tuition has been payed quite generously, and William wonders who could have payed it. He then goes to class, and it is announced a new transfer student has joined the class. This transfer student is Dantalion Huber. That's where the episode ends. At the beginning of the episode, my feelings weren't exactly good. We have borderline female men, rich twats and pointy ears, but now I'm not as skeptic. I will watch the following episodes, but that doesn't mean its amazing. Its certainly decent though, and I am interested to see how the story line plays out.
Its not amazing, but its still a pretty decent show. |
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